嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院 黎卓琳同學
SDG 12 SDG 13 行動
Bread Crust Pudding
Bread Crust Pudding
According from sources in 2021, 30 percent of waste in landfills are from food waste, and bread is the most wasted food ever recorded. How do we tackle this problem by reducing waste and repurposing them? Let's make Bread Crust Pudding!
香港真光書院 陳以敏同學
SDG 12 SDG 13 行動
Current situation: 1 in 3 (or 1.3 billion tons) edible parts of food produced gets lost or wasted globally per year.
Repurpose: Repurpose foam fruit nets into hanging plant holders for indoor plants, reducing waste and promoting green living in Hong Kong's urban spaces.
Usage: Use foam fruit nets to insulate outdoor plant pots for soil moisture and temperature control for supporting SDGs!
Repurpose: Repurpose foam fruit nets into hanging plant holders for indoor plants, reducing waste and promoting green living in Hong Kong's urban spaces.
Usage: Use foam fruit nets to insulate outdoor plant pots for soil moisture and temperature control for supporting SDGs!
拔萃女書院 Charis Pak
SDG 07 SDG 13 行動
In Hong Kong, people lack understanding about renewable energy . By hands-on activity, people can learn more about solar power and spread the idea to people around them. This activity targets for P4-6 students. Making the solar power house under teachers or adults' supervision. Then showcasing the products through exhibition.

拔萃女書院 Chan Hoi Yin
SDG 01 SDG 03 行動
Children do not have enough living space for them to play and study comfortably. This may affect their grades, physical and mental health. They may not be able to purchase items that are beneficial to their development and passion due to the lack of space. Thus, there may not be enough resources to be provided to them.
嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院 趙詠兒同學
SDG 01 SDG 13 行動
Through the donation of second-hand clothing, I feel greater empathy towards those in need. People often believe that their individual acts of charity are insignificant, but every impact must start from individuals. By changing this mindset, more acts of kindness can be seen in society.

7th Floor, SUP Tower,75-83 King's Road, Hong Kong
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Copyright © 2025 Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF