Survey on energy saving at home

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This action is designed by Connie Chan Nga Ching and Samuel Tseung Ka Yat (UNICEF HK's intern).

You may consider to use digital tools (such as email or instant messaging apps) in conducting survey to maintain social distancing during COVID-19 period.

Action overview

Related SDG action: SDG 7
Action role: Storyteller

Invite 10 people to complete the survey on energy conservation at home

  • Understand the food waste issue through  observation
  • Learn to listen people's opinions without judgement
  • Learn to retell the stories of others authentically and reflectively

  • Invite 10 people to complete the survey on energy conservation at home
  • Brief report on the survey results
  • Share your views on energy saving at home


For any questions about the course or technical issues, please contact